Hi Benjamin,
A new roadmap document will be available soon, I'm finalising it.
As to whats in it, I'll tease you with some of these long requested features ...
New widget DATETIMEEDIT for use with datetimes + Improvements to TimeEdit widget
New attribute for EDIT to allow you to add and control auto completion
Add attribute ACTION for IMAGE so you can respond when user clicks image
Add ability for programs to AUTO_LOGOUT if no activity from user
In Studio - A database browser - view and edit database tables from within Studio
In GRW - A web viewer - an equivalent of GRV for use in a browser.
You can also see what was added to 2.51 in the Genero Mobile documentation
http://www.generomobile.com/online_documentation/fjs-fgl-manual/#fgl_whatsnew_251.html. Most of that makes it way into the new release where appropriate.
Your support contacts do have test copies of the proposed release so your support contact may have questions for you if they know you are after a particular feature and it has been finalised.
As Olivier said, the early access program is targeted for September/October so I would encourage you to start planning some time to dedicate to the EAP (Early Access Program) around at that time. As a minimum I would encourage you to download, recompile, and conduct your basic tests on your application during that time. It is a lot easier and cheaper to fix and take into account your feedback during the EAP, than it is after a release.