your problem des not exist in recent versions of Genero.
This is the output of a simple test, covering your problem: the runtime calls f1() and loads m2. When calling f2() the runtime tries to load m2 again.
sh test.sh
+ fglrun -V
fglrun 2.02.20 build-966.107
Built Nov 12 2013 08:11:39
(c) 1989-2009 Four J's Development Tools
+ fglcomp m1
+ cp m2a.4gl m2.4gl
+ fglcomp m2
+ fglrun -l m1.42m m2.42m
+ fglrun m1
here: f1
here: f2
+ cp m2b.4gl m2.4gl
+ fglcomp m2
+ fglrun m1
here: f1
FORMS statement error number -6208.
Module 'm2': already loaded.
Now the same test with a recent version:
sh test.sh
+ fglrun -V
fglrun 2.50.00 build-2201
Genero virtual machine
Target linux
Four Js*
Licensed Materials - Property of Four Js
(c) Copyright Four Js 1995, 2012. All Rights Reserved.
* Trademark of Four Js Development Tools Europe Ltd
in the United States and elsewhere
+ fglcomp m1
+ cp m2a.4gl m2.4gl
+ fglcomp m2
+ fglrun -l m1.42m m2.42m
+ fglrun m1
here: f1
here: f2
+ cp m2b.4gl m2.4gl
+ fglcomp m2
+ fglrun m1
here: f1
Program stopped at 'm1.4gl', line number 3.
FORMS statement error number -1338.
The function 'f2' has not been defined in any module in the program.
The error message should be enhanced anyway. The runtime should uses the (already existing) error 6207: The dynamic loaded module '%s' does not contain the function '%s'.