| Genero 2.41 Maintenance Release
Dear customers,
We are pleased to announce the availability of a new Maintenance Release of Genero and Genero Studio product suites 2.41 :
- Genero Business Development Language including the Web Services 2.41.04 (FGLGWS)
- Genero Desktop Client 2.41.06 (GDC)
- Genero Application Server 2.41.18 (GAS)
- Genero Studio 2.41.44 (GST/GSTSRV)
Products are now downloadable from the web site :
For more information on fixes in this maintenance release, please refer to the issue tracker :
This maintenance release also includes the upgrade of Openssl libraries to version 0.9.8y that fixed Openssl vulnerabilities listed here :
http://www.openssl.org/news/vulnerabilities.html Note : All Four J's Genero customers under maintenance have free access to the new release.
Best regards,
Four Js Development Tools