These accelerators are "industry" standards or conventions, but what if our client insists on having the Return key work like the Tab for nextfield? What is the risk or danger of doing this?
If your client insists, get them to log onto any other web application that has a username and password field (facebook, gmail, hotmail, banking etc) and ask them what key they use to move between the username and password field, and ask them why they want to be different.
Whats the danger. If you use Return/Escape/Tab this will most likely work for most combinations of browser and AJAX/Silverlight/HTML5 and whatever the future may hold. If you do something different e.g. FourGen based code with F12 for accept, does F12 get passed through to the application or does the browser capture it and use it to open developer tools.
Was the int_flag the reason the cancel action was being fired?