| Genero Enterprise 5.01 Maintenance Release : Genero BDL 5.01.02
Four Js is pleased to announce a Maintenance Release of Genero BDL with Web Services (BDL – GWS - GBC - WCG - GIP) 5.01.02.
Genero BDL with Web Service (BDL - GBC - WCG - GIP) 5.01.02 is the bundle which includes:
- Business Development Language (FGL) 5.01.02
- Web service extension (GWS) 5.01.02
- Genero Browser Client (GBC) 5.01.02
- Genero Identity Provider (GIP) 5.01.02
- Web Components and wrappers (WCG)5.01.01
This version includes the following bugs fixes :
All Four Js Genero customers under maintenance have free access to the new release.
Best regards,
Four Js Development Tools