Reading an earlier post made me aware of the auto logout feature which I think would be of benefit to me to ensure users are logged out each evening - they have a habit of just leaving their screen and heading for home at the end of the day.
However, I cannot seem to get it to work. We use GDC and GAS to launch an MDI based menu application from which all child applications are launched in docked tabs.
Here is the extract from the menu applications XCF file.
<APPLICATION Parent="defaultwa">
<RESOURCE Id="res.teqdir" Source="INTERNAL">/opt3/teq</RESOURCE>
<RESOURCE Id="res.teqdir.bin" Source="INTERNAL">$(res.teqdir)/bin</RESOURCE>
I was hoping that after 30 seconds of inactivity some form of popup would appear but nothing does. Can anyone point out the error of my ways?
Many thanks