I look at your screen-shot and ask myself, why don’t you use WEBCOMPONENT?
A DISPLAY ARRAY or INPUT ARRAY, with TABLE is good for displaying and maintaining values from one database table. That is with a fixed number of database table columns going across the screen and a variable number of database table rows going down the screen. It is not so good for what you are trying to do.
By using WEBCOMPONENT, you’ll be able to come up with something that will ...
- allow single or double-click on a cell
as well as some other functionality that may include
- cater for indvidual stying for row, column, and cells. This includes styles for column and row headings
- cater for column and row totals
- cater for merged cells, useful for sub-headings, sub-totals
- and other things you may want to include in your user interface
… this will work well across all our front-end clients, desk-top, web, and mobile
In Genero 3.0, the new WebComponent call front-call method makes it a lot easier to alter at run-time the html of a web component to reflect data values, and we already had the ability for an onclick method inside a webcomponent to change a 4gl variable and trigger a 4gl action. If written well, you can hide the html complexities of the web component from your junior developers. My touchpad example, source available here, shows these techniques. I should put together an example to cater for the two dimensional array pattern (variable number of rows and variable number of columns, select and edit a cell).