Hopefully you found the fglhelp files in FGLDIR/src and can see how the showhelp function is implemented.
To see what I mean by overriding the function, add to your .4gl ...
FUNCTION showhelp(i)
and note what happens. So you can customize showhelp() completely as you like from that starting point.
Specifically we would like to rename the 'Screen' and 'Resume' buttons.
If you wanted to just rename the 'Screen' and 'Resume' buttons, you'll note that in fglhelp.per, they are defined TEXT=%"fgl.helpViewer.screen"
so if you added to your strings (.str) file an entry for this token, e.g.
fgl.helpViewer.screen = "My Screen Button Text"
then you can customize that way without overriding the .4gl or .per
Is there any way to have the help open in a child window?
By default it should. It should open the window with style="viewer". I wonder if you have omitted that style from your .4st. Have a look in FGLDIR/lib/default.4st for the viewer entry and add to your .4st if you have.
Finally: is there any way to format the help text? I have discovered that adding html coding does not work.
It should as it is displayed to a TEXTEDIT which will by default has htmlFormat. A quick test with HTML code for bold worked for me. Again check your .4st and make sure you haven't disabled the use of html for textedits.
Hope that helps,