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Author Topic: Bug list  (Read 11477 times)
Sally W.
Posts: 32

« on: February 16, 2015, 11:29:42 am »

Is the 4Js bug list anywhere I can read through it?  I ask as I have just found a bug in fgldbsch (when the database is Informix) which apparently we reported a couple of years ago, and I'd like to see if it's still there and what status it's at.

The bug is that the SQL to see if there is a column syscolumns.colattr picks up any and all columns called 'colattr' - it should include 'and t.tabid = c.tabid' in the WHERE clause.
Christine R.
Four Js
Posts: 455

« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2015, 05:54:06 pm »

Hi Sally,

The list of the registered bugs can be found in the Issue Tracker on our web site

Concerning your issue with syscolumns.syscolattr has been registered in our database under the reference
FGL#3979:fgldbsch fails if you have a table with a column named colattr

Best regards,

FourJs Support Team
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1130

« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2015, 09:49:03 pm »

Note that using the Issue Tracker you can ...

Look up a particular issue e.g.

See all outstanding issues e.g.

Look up issues with a keyword(s) e.g.

Issues fixed in a certain release e.g.

Issues fixed between releases e.g.

... just be entering different values in the Issue Tracker fields.

When reporting an issue, you will hopefully be given an issue number which you can use to track the progress of the issue, and to use as reference in any follow up.  I would recommend checking the entry in the Issue Tracker once you are given the number to check the description matches your understanding of the issue. (it also helps check that the issue has been marked as public so it appears in the Issue Tracker, default value is private and occasionally this step gets missed)

It should also be noted that internally the issues database has recently switched from Bugzilla to JIRA. Bugzilla reference numbers were upto five digits and colloquially prefixed with Bz e.g. Bz12345.  JIRA numbers are smaller and have a product prefix e.g. FGL-1234, GDC-1234, GST-1234 etc.  Both sets of numbers should be searchable in the Issue Tracker.  Without a prefix for old numbers, the same bug with a prefix for newer numbers, so don't worry if you only have an old style Bz issue number, you should still be able to find it.


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