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[ANNOUNCE] Genero Studio 2.00 - Beta Program 3
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Topic: [ANNOUNCE] Genero Studio 2.00 - Beta Program 3 (Read 8265 times)
Christine R.
Posts: 446
[ANNOUNCE] Genero Studio 2.00 - Beta Program 3
February 29, 2008, 05:17:12 pm »
EAP Program Announcement
Genero Studio 2.00 Beta 3
We are pleased to announce that Genero Studio v2.00 Beta 3 packages are now available in the EAP download area.
Fz#244: FB: Use default system application if no action defined for file type
Fz#2228: PM: Get a 'New file' contextual option in project structure
Fz#2497: General: Easy switch between opened documents with 'ctrl-tab'
Fz#2498: FD: Create alias automatically when selecting same column twice in form wizard
Problems fixed:
General product
Bz#6854: Same shortcut for different menus
Bz#9002: Bad synchronization between panels/views of a same module
Bz#9128: Cannot properly navigate in the delete confirmation box with arrow keys
Bz#9134: Output tab contextual menu disappears after releasing mouse
Bz#9177: 'Help' button doesn't work in certain dialog boxes in Preferences
Bz#9229: Genero Studio command line options need to be updated
Bz#9283: Inconsistence on adding local files to a project in remote mode
Bz#9298: Structure/properties panel resized unexpectedly
Bz#9368: Temporary files are not deleted
Bz#9373: Add action 'Open in Code Editor' for all file types
Bz#9432: GST crash when same name for local Genero Installation and Remote host
Bz#9621: Need to click several times to close the 'File Association' window
Bz#9650: Change label 'Maximum number of problems per compilation unit'
Bz#9651: Linux themes not always well applied
Bz#9652: Unexpected vertical scrollbar displayed in the 'File-New' dialog
Code Editor
Bz#6656: Disable option 'Go to bookmark' when no bookmark is set
Bz#8160: Folding accelerators not displayed in contextual menu
Bz#8188: Unexpected errors shown in included .inc files
Bz#8268: Selection options may not work as expected
Bz#8283: Keyword highlight remains on double click
Bz#9305: Same shortcut <Ctrl+Y> for different actions
Bz#9344: Status of 'undo/redo' buttons not kept after saving the file
Bz#9347: Checkbox selection doesn't work as expected in 'Find Text' dialog
Bz#9407: Check/Uncheck 'Show Right margin' doesn't change 'Right Margin' status
Bz#9510: Bookmarks seen twice after editing and splitting/unsplitting view
Bz#9513: No bookmark selected while Edit/Delete/Goto options enabled
Bz#9526: Text Styles applied when moving Preferences window over code editor
Bz#9531: Incorrect title for 'New Bookmark' dialog
Bz#9537: Search is not proper for specific numeric key
Bz#9544: GST crash on closing CE after performing a search in a square selection
Bz#9548: Undo operation in Code Editor is not working as expected
Bz#9580: END --TABLE seen twice in .per template file
Bz#9592: Cannot navigate in code structure with arrow keys
Bz#9597: GST Crash when deleting value in 'Right Margin' Combo-box
Bz#9616: Tab/Shift-Tab does not work when focus on sample code area
Bz#9648: Infinite loop when performing a 'Find all' using regular expression
Bz#9699: Tooltip on 'Comment line' toolbar icon not updated
Bz#9705: Inconsistent error message in mod-ce2[5]
Application Generator
Bz#8517: Unexpected behaviour when specifying already existing file names
Bz#8557: GST crash on cancelling wizard after providing an invalid form file
Bz#9077: Unexpected error message when form chosen in wizard not compiled
Bz#9319: GST crash when trying to open invalid AG files
Bz#9527: Database list in module information is getting updated unexpectedly
Bz#9584: Inappropriate error when creating program on local form with remote configuration
Bz#9692: Inconsistent browse buttons in AG views and wizards
Project Manager
Bz#9113: Output tab and current channel combo not automatically selected
Bz#9281: 'Save' button always enabled even after saving
Bz#9336: Compilation/build stops when error encountered
Bz#9355: Application node no longer active when moved
Bz#9465: Current library available in dependencies, driving to error when checked
Bz#9533: New Target Directory not physically created on the disk
Bz#9555: Cannot copy/paste project nodes to the root of the workspace
Bz#9598: Environment variable DBPATH not well set in remote mode
Bz#9603: Cannot build if 'Target directory' specifies a drive in lower case
Bz#9660: Application becomes inactive after delete and undo operations
Bz#9678: GST crash after add application and cut operations
Bz#9711: 'Set as active' not taken into account in undo/redo stack
Database Manager
Bz#9079: Engine type not well synchronized with driver name on new connection
Bz#9504: Option 'Import schema from server' disabled after deleting existing schema
Bz#9506: 'Import schema from server' fails if keeping schema combo closed
Bz#9539: GST crash on creating db schemas with same name but different case
Bz#9579: Unexpected behaviour on 'Change Runner' in 'New connection' wizard
Bz#9636: Form Designer is case sensitive on database table and column names
Form Designer
Bz#6333: Layout truncated after resize and undo
Bz#6781: Width of static text widget is not well reset after 'undo'
Bz#6801: Cannot move a PageControl to the bottom of the form using arrow key
Bz#6855: Unexpected actions added to the 'undo' stack when reducing form size
Bz#7044: GST crash on 'undo' after column swap
Bz#7099: Value missing for property HIDDEN on a topmenu item
Bz#7337: Context menu keyboard key doesn't work in Form Designer
Bz#7398: Default size of TABLE columns changes after restart
Bz#7486: Comment in statusbar not cleared for PROGRESSBAR information
Bz#7939: Inconsistent contextual menu displayed when cursor in insert mode
Bz#8239: Add a visual sign to inform that the current file has been modified
Bz#8369: Invalid form not detected on validation in Form Designer
Bz#8504: Common properties not well set after multiple column selection in TABLE
Bz#8513: Attributes COLOR and COLOR WHERE are missing for CHECKBOX
Bz#8803: Unexpected/wrong .per file generated back when SCROLLGRID involved
Bz#8845: 'Validate' and 'Preview' toolBar buttons are enabled while FD is closed
Bz#8885: Parent container for widgets not set as expected in case of nested containers
Bz#8989: GST crash while adding New Style File
Bz#9056: Unexpected error message on Compile/validate/Preview when HRec involved
Bz#9091: Move operation for multiselected different level siblings is not as expected
Bz#9255: Database elements badly drawn on the form
Bz#9274: Multi line text not well handled on certain widgets
Bz#9306: Error message not updated after drag&drop on topmenu items
Bz#9335: Multi selected fields not properly moved up/down in Form from table wizard
Bz#9433: Widget/Container selection in form structure view not possible in certain cases
Bz#9439: Bad form resizing in certain cases
Bz#9442: Attribute 'gridWidth' not properly set when creating form from table
Bz#9443: GST crash on importing certain .per file in Form Designer
Bz#9450: Container name set to blank after entering invalid value
Bz#9451: TABLE column names not changed on copy/paste
Bz#9453: Bad multi selection of TABLE columns when done in form structure
Bz#9454: Cannot make multi selection on FOLDER pages in the form structure
Bz#9455: Screen Record not updated in certain cases
Bz#9466: Data type SERIAL not well handled/converted in form generation
Bz#9494: Cannot move the second last column down in form from table wizard
Bz#9497: Unexpected error message on setting same name for layout previously deleted/broken
Bz#9522: Unexpected selection in form structure after 'Form fron table' wizard
Bz#9542: GST crash on 'undo' after copy/paste of TABLE container
Bz#9551: GST crash on moving Spacer outside the HRec
Bz#9566: TABLE_ALIAS not kept on importing a form
Bz#9583: Bad 'undo' after changing MFArray properties
Bz#9586: SCROLLGRID changed to GRID when selected by double-click
Bz#9596: GST crash on closing unsaved form file having multiple files opened
Bz#9606: Undo-Redo toolbar buttons are seen completely disabled in certain cases
Bz#9640: GST crash after changing text on TABLE column and cut
Bz#9674: GST crash on pasting layout in parent container having insufficient space
Bz#9676: Inappropriate error message when .per and .4fd exist in same directory
Bz#9691: Paste operation in MFArray not well done on each occurence
Bz#9740: GST crash on closing form from structure view in case of multiselection
File Browser
Bz#4649: Folder tree view not refreshed
Bz#6569: Right click does not highlight the selected directory
Bz#6571: Refresh directory view closes all expanded folder
Bz#6863: Selection not well done in FB when files listed as small/large icons
Bz#7399: Cannot perform a drag&drop in Folder Contents window
Bz#8278: Contextual options for displaying units are inverted
Bz#8313: Collapse/expand a parent folder doesn't keep the state of sub-folders
Bz#8844: Unexpected error message while creating new File/Folder
Bz#8914: Location/Address and filter bar missing in File Browser window
Bz#9152: Unexpected multi selection on folder list in File Browser
Bz#9153: File Browser preferences not applied until refresh or restart
Bz#9712: Cannot delete directories if they aren't empty
Graphical Debugger
Bz#8361: Refresh issue in current file when starting debug session
Bz#9421: Links in ""Form Designer Help"" refer to non existing html files
Bz#9536: Incorrect size limit given for form width and height in Help Document
Bz#9558: 'Help' in help drives to error
How to subscribe
If you are not yet subscribed to the Beta program you can still ask to be : you must have a Four J's web site
account ("My Account") that enables access to privileged technical information.
Go on our website
Log in my account
In the back right corner of the home page you have a link named "Early Access Programs"
Click on
Four J's will send you an acknowledgment of your subscription.
We appreciate your interest in pre-release access to our products, and value your feedback. Thank you for your
participation in this important phase of our product development.
Best Regards,
The Four J’s Genero Studio team
Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 09:27:04 am
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