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Author Topic: Checking what's running  (Read 33744 times)
Tim B.
Posts: 67

« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2009, 11:06:38 am »

We seem to be going round in circles here :)

The GDC exposes all sorts of info: OS details, compter names, versions etc.  I don't see that the running options is any more of a security issue (far less in fact).  If GDC security is such and issue, why is all this info already exposed?  You should remove the functionality in the next release.  I suspect though, that the GDC won't just accept requests from any old process.  It must do some kind of validation to ensure that the requester is a valid fgl process that it is controlling?

As I have said previously, a server side solution cannot be relied upon, because sometime fgl process run can be running without them being on the FE (ie user reboots).  Normally the server processes do die, but they don't always, which is where the issue is.  In any case, I can already do server side checks myself, so there's no need to extra functionality.
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