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Author Topic: RESTFull and WSAttachment  (Read 166 times)
Benjamin G.
Posts: 130

« on: October 17, 2024, 11:53:42 am »


When using WSAttachement to send a file to a GET request, how do I specify that the file is optional?
If I specify an existing file everything works fine. If I don't give a file (ficdia = NULL) it generates an infinite loop with code -8 (http error ...)

this is how the service is defined ...

PUBLIC FUNCTION getDownloadCustomerDiapo(head_numpro STRING ATTRIBUTES(WSHeader,WSOptional,WSName = ‘X-NUMPRODIS’)
                                        ,head_numcli STRING ATTRIBUTES(WSHeader,WSOptional,WSName = ‘X-NUMCLI’)
                                        ,head_diacli STRING ATTRIBUTES(WSHeader,WSOptional,WSName = ‘X-DIACLI’))
                   ,WSPath = ‘/download-customer-diapo’
                   ,WSDescription = ‘GET : Retrieves the zip file with the customer's slideshows’ ,WSRetCode = ‘GET : Retrieves the zip file with the customer's slideshows
                   ,WSRetCode = ‘201:Ok’
                   ,WSThrows = ‘400:Bad Request,500:Internal Server Error’)
        RETURNS (STRING ATTRIBUTES(WSMedia = ‘application/json’)
                ,STRING ATTRIBUTES(WSAttachment, WSMedia = ‘zip/*’))
  DEFINE jsn base.StringBuffer

  LET ficdia = prodisdbs.getDownloadCustomerDiapoPRODIS(jsn:=base.StringBuffer.create(),head_numpro,head_numcli,head_diacli)

  RETURN jsn.toString(),ficdia

thank you

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