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Author Topic: Ask Reuben 235 - ODBC Database Driver  (Read 597 times)
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1112

« on: July 19, 2024, 01:47:39 am »

Every operating system we support, every front-end we support, every database we support costs us money.  Periodically these will be reviewed and if we think something is not being used then we will consider removing it.  There is no value in building ports, running QA tests on something that is not being used, those resources can be better deployed elsewhere on something that is being used.
When this happens you can expect to see some forum posts, entries in the Upgrade Guides during Early Access Programs (EAP), notes in the supported systems documentation, and some questions from your local support contact.
This happened in 2022 with a number of database drivers. 


Product Consultant (Asia Pacific)
Developer Relations Manager (Worldwide)
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