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Author Topic: Ask Reuben 232 - SLEEP 1  (Read 772 times)
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1099

« on: June 25, 2024, 01:33:23 am »

Occasionally the support desk as part of investigating an issue might ask you to try adding a SLEEP 1 to the code.  Sometimes many years later we find that SLEEP 1 still in the code !
Why me might suggest adding a SLEEP 1 is due to the client-server aspect of the Genero architecture.  You have the runtime of the fglrun process operating on the back-end server and you have the front-end of the gbc.js / gdc.exe / etc running on the front-end workstation/device.  If we suggest adding a SLEEP 1 it is because we suspect something might be executing on the front-end server before the back-end server has completed the previous step or similar.

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