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Author Topic: GAS Failed to read TLV  (Read 4266 times)
Davide R.
Posts: 1

« on: April 17, 2024, 04:02:45 pm »

Hi everyone,
sometimes I get notified that applications running via the GBC stop with this error:
  1. The application encountered a problem.
  2. Session does not exist.

From the fastcgidispatcher logs I read this:
  1. Line 9625836: 10:56:37.931886 321135.070829 [fastcgi.c:829] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443 "fastcgi_stream_fetch_record" H(version: 1, type: FCGI_PARAMS, requestId: 1, contentLe ngth: 0, paddingLength: 0
  2. Line 9625837: 10:56:37.931903 321135.070847 [dispatch_handler.c:3323] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "Incoming request" /ua/sua/c7dca415c979bcce 17e922c8e0153bc0?appId=32&pageId=63
  3. Line 9625838: 10:56:37.931944 321135.070898 [dispatch_handler.c:594] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "Forwarding request" POST /ua/sua/c7dca415c979 bcce17e922c8e0153bc0?ConnectorURI=/gas&appId=32&pageId=63 HTTP /1.1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nCookie: MOD_AUTH_CAS_S=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Genero-SID=3871f8bc65c7550ccaccbc40cb17e167; lang=it-IT\r\nSec-Fetch-Dest: empty\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nReferer:\r\nX- Fourjs-Client: GBC/1.00.60.xx-202112101034\r\nHost:\r\nSec-Fetch-Mode: cors\r\nSec-Fetch-Site: same-origin\r\nAccept- Language: it-IT,it;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3\r\nAccept: */*\r\nOrigin:\r\ nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS \r\nX-FourJs-Environment-Variable-REMOTE_ADDR:\r\nX-FourJs-Environment-Variable-REMOTE_USER: devid\r\nX-FourJs-Environment-Variable-SERVER_NAME:\r \nX-FourJs-Environment-Variable-HTTPS: on\r\n\r\n
  4. Line 9651801: 10:56:56.904757 321154.043702 [dispatch_handler.c:702] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "SYSTEM ERROR" At (dispatch_handler.c:702) : Error 2 = ''
  5. Line 9651802: 10:56:56.904779 321154.043723 [dispatch_handler.c:702] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "process_response_tlv_header" Failed to read TLV
  6. Line 9651803: 10:56:56.904785 321154.043729 [dispatch_handler.c:767] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "SYSTEM ERROR" At (dispatch_handler.c:767) : Error 2 = ''
  7. Line 9651804: 10:56:56.904790 321154.043733 [dispatch_handler.c:767] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "Forwarding response" Failed to process TLV header
  8. Line 9651805: 10:56:56.904811 321154.043754 [dispatch_handler.c:3134] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "UA" Forward response failed, removing Session
  9. Line 9651806: 10:56:56.904818 321154.043762 [session.c:3692] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "Session remove" Session c7dca415c979bcce17e922c8 e0153bc0 has not been removed from disk, already done by another thread
  10. Line 9651807: 10:56:56.904838 321154.043782 [fastcgi.c:829] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "fastcgi_stream_fetch_record" H(version: 1, type: FCGI_STD IN, requestId: 1, contentLength: 0, paddingLength: 0
  11. Line 9651808: 10:56:56.904847 321154.043791 [fastcgi.c:885] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "fastcgi_stream_fetch_record" No more data to read ==> EOF
  12. Line 9651809: 10:56:56.904877 321154.043821 [fastcgi.c:1733] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443;REQID=639889 "Response sent" - devid [1 6/Apr/2024:08:56:37 GMT] "POST /ua/sua/c7dca415c979bcce17e922c8e0153bc0 " 500 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS /20100101 Firefox/123.0" query string: appId=32&pageId=63
  13. Line 9651810: 10:56:56.904883 321154.043827 [fastcgi.c:1867] 1072 2437629696 STREAM=1232;FASTCGI=71443 "HTTP request" Failed to handle request /ua/sua/c7dca415c979bcce17e922c8e 0153bc0

What could it be?
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1130

« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2024, 02:08:07 am »

There maybe an innocent explanation for this.  Send your complete logs (dispatcher, proxy, vm) and version info to your support contact and ask if similar to SUP-30319/GAS-3843.  They can give more detail on the scenario but essentially a program has launched multiple child programs, user closes browser tab, and in the tidyup the proxy process is terminated before all the child processes are terminated. 

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