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Author Topic: GRE invocation issue  (Read 9847 times)
Hans-Joachim K.
Posts: 7

« on: December 07, 2023, 11:36:24 am »


we recently installed the latest version of Genero Studio (4.01.04) and a new Genero installation of the server components on a newly setup Ubuntu Server.

When trying to run any application using GRE, also, the sample apps, it fails with this error:

*** Building 'OrderReportASCII' [11:23:58] ***
Building without specific setup (GSTSETUPDIR not set)
The 'Database' node contains no file to link. Nothing to link.
*** Success [11:23:58] ***
*** Running 'OrderReportASCII' ***
::info:(GS-1025) Display client already running on 'localhost:6400'
Program stopped at 'greruntime.4gl', line number 452.
FORMS statement error number -6221.
C extension initialization failed with status -1.
*** Execution of 'OrderReportASCII' finished. Exit code: 1 ***

I took this from the samples so it is definitely coded correctly.

The paths like FGLLDPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc. seem to be correct.
Also, the error message does not state it could not load the library, but the initialization fails.

Any idea what I could be looking for?

Thank you very much,
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1130

« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2023, 10:03:51 pm »

1. There is a file and line number given in the error message so you can look at the source in $GREDIR/src and see if that gives you a clue.

2.  You can encounter the error message "C extension initialization failed with status -1"  when the code has one of  IMPORT com, IMPORT security, IMPORT xml.  The error occurs because the runtime can't initialise that particular library.  So it can find the library but it can't initialise it.  Now that maybe because it is in turn dependent on other libraries.  Two main things to check ...

a) There is an incorrect setting in FGLPROFILE.  You said new server so perhaps copied FGLPROFILE file across without reviewing entries in FGLPROFILE.

b) A conflict between the libraries we ship in GSTDIR/lib and the O/S equivalent libraries.  Typically see this with libcrypto and libssl libraries. Tests if that is suspected would include looking at ldd output of those libraries. e.g."ldd $FGLDIR/lib/" and using $FGLDIR/bin/fglpass which also uses those libraries.  That is looking at output of  "fglpass -Vssl" and "ldd $FGLDIR/bin/fglpass"   

I do see a similar issue in the system GST-19307 that was raised very recently.  So I would suggest raising support case with your support contact and give them a hint to look at GST-19307


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laury f.
Posts: 1

« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2024, 11:40:50 am »


we recently installed the latest version of Genero Studio (4.01.04) and a new Genero installation of the server components on a newly setup Ubuntu Server.

When trying to run any application using GRE, also, the sample apps, it fails with this error:

*** Building 'OrderReportASCII' [11:23:58] ***
Building without specific setup (GSTSETUPDIR not set)
The 'Database' node contains no file to link. Nothing to Candy Crush link.
*** Success [11:23:58] ***
*** Running 'OrderReportASCII' ***
::info:(GS-1025) Display client already running on 'localhost:6400'
Program stopped at 'greruntime.4gl', line number 452.
FORMS statement error number -6221.
C extension initialization failed with status -1.
*** Execution of 'OrderReportASCII' finished. Exit code: 1 ***

I took this from the samples so it is definitely coded correctly.

The paths like FGLLDPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc. seem to be correct.
Also, the error message does not state it could not load the library, but the initialization fails.

Any idea what I could be looking for?

Thank you very much,
There is a file and line number given in the error message so you can look at the source in $GREDIR/src and see if that gives you a clue?
Hans-Joachim K.
Posts: 7

« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2024, 11:50:34 am »

Hello Laury,
thank you very much for your reply. I had opened a ticket with FourJS in the meantime and it turned out that the SSL libraries that come with Genero are not compatible with Ubuntu.
They had to be renamed so the original ones that come with the system are used.
Thank you very much nonetheless,
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