We are trying to ingest the shopping basket of a punchout session to a third party supplier initiated from our application.
This will be sent to the URL we specify and is an HTML form, with a specific hidden field called cXML-urlencoded. This contains the cXML representation of the shopping basket.
For example, the html below is a representation of what the supplier's system will do:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<FORM NAME="upload" method="post" action="https://mywebserver/gas/ws/r/basket/getbasket/2323232"> <input id="cXML-urlencoded" name="cXML-urlencoded" value="<cXML payloadID......../cXML>" > <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>
I have created a web service which is defined below:
public function getBasket(
sid integer attribute(WSParam),
basket record attribute(WSMedia="application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
cXML-urlencoded string
end record)
attributes (WSPost,
returns (string attribute(WSMedia="text/plain"))
The issue I am having is with the form field name having a hyphen in it. The above snippet has a compile error, yet I cannot rename the form field (as I don't control it and it is standard for all punch out systems). If I call it something else in my function definition, then it gives error: UrlFormEncoded Rest parameter is missing
Can anyone suggest a work around for this?