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Author Topic: .mkj  (Read 13473 times)
Posts: 18

« on: November 21, 2008, 01:22:34 pm »

Hi All,

In previous development, our team develop the 4j's without using genero studio. We used to "make" the application using the mkj file converted from mk4. Yes, Genero studio does help us a lot in the development life cycle but, what if some of us still want to use the old way.

The question is, how to export from the Genero studio workspace to a .mkj formatted file.

Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1119

« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2008, 10:57:50 pm »

Hi All,

In previous development, our team develop the 4j's without using genero studio. We used to "make" the application using the mkj file converted from mk4. Yes, Genero studio does help us a lot in the development life cycle but, what if some of us still want to use the old way.

The question is, how to export from the Genero studio workspace to a .mkj formatted file.


Chances are the .mk4 and .mkj file formats are unique to your organisation, but from what I have seen some development shops do something similar where you create  a Makefile from a smaller file that just contains the unique information.

Typically when moving to Genero Studio, you'd create a script that will take your Makefile and create a .4pw.  So for what you want to do, create a script that works the other way and reads the .4pw file and creates the .mk4, .mkj file you want. 

The real question is why do you want to run it the "old way"?  A properly configured The Tools->Preferences->User Actions and the Build Rules should give you the functionality of what you could do with a Makefile, so is there something you can do your "old way" that you haven't figured out how to do using Genero Studio?

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Posts: 18

« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2008, 01:38:13 am »

Thanks Reuben for the explanation.

Yes i agree that genero studio provide us a simplicity in doing works. However there is a lot of programmer here that afraid of changes. So we just need to prepare with this and by the time convincing them to use genero studio. That is also our goal.

Thanks again for give us the clue. I will do some research about the *.4pw and *.deps file structure.

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