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Author Topic: Right Justify Titles In Arrays  (Read 18267 times)
Stephen T.
Posts: 114

« on: November 16, 2007, 11:23:49 am »

This refers to a thread of Jan 2006 '[genero-customers] Justify title of table column field.'

Is this now possible  in 1.33 and/or 2.0?

If I try to justify the Titles myself by left padding with spaces - I sometimes get the following error:
ZLib : inflate error : -3 : invalid block type

This could be cleared by clearing the stored settings and reloading the form, but it's too intermittent to make it practical to try to hand crank it.

Are there any workarounds if justification isn't provided?
Four Js
Posts: 115

« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 07:38:34 pm »

This refers to a thread of Jan 2006 '[genero-customers] Justify title of table column field.'

Is this now possible  in 1.33 and/or 2.0?

Unfortunately not yet - at least in GDC.
The library we're using does not provide this feature, we would have to make it "by hand". We hope this will be possible in a future version, but moving to the next version of the ibrary is very time consuming (BTW, please keep this in mind when you move to a new version of Genero: we always try to make new version as backward compatible as possible, this is not the case of all languages !)

If I try to justify the Titles myself by left padding with spaces - I sometimes get the following error:
ZLib : inflate error : -3 : invalid block type

This could be cleared by clearing the stored settings and reloading the form, but it's too intermittent to make it practical to try to hand crank it.

Are there any workarounds if justification isn't provided?

The ZLib error is not expected. We'll do some testing here, if you've a small test case, this would be of course better.
What are the exact version / plaftofrm you are running (GDC and DVM, both are using zLib) ?
With GDC - I remember you're using linux, right -: do you experience the same with the lnxlc22 version ? The kde version relies on your installed Qt library, then the zlib we're using depends on the way you built this library. the lnx version is statically linked with Qt and with zlib. If the problem only occurs with the kde version, this may be your system zlib which is guilty - if the problem is on GDC side.

A workaround would be to disable compression, using

  1. gui.protocol.format=block
in your fglprofile. Give a try to see if removing the compression is an issue for you.

Stephen T.
Posts: 114

« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2007, 02:13:44 pm »

In this case the zlib issue arose using FC6 (Gnome 2)  against an AIX (4.3 I think) box.

Using this forum how do you attach 'things' such as test cases?
Olivier E.
Four Js
Posts: 204

« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2007, 02:40:16 pm »

Hello Steve,

To attach a file when you edit a new post, click on the "Additional Options..." link on the left back corner of the edit field.

Tell me if didn't succeed in.

Other remarks : Four J's still not support Fedora Core Linux and OpenSuse Linux. We support RedHat and Suse enterprise edition because they are stable. How can we help you if you are not using supported OS ?  =:-)

Thank you Steve,

Olivier ECKERT - Four J's Development Tools

Stephen T.
Posts: 114

« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2007, 04:06:36 pm »

OK - Got it.

I've replied to the other part of the message via a personal email.
Posts: 14

« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2007, 11:18:07 am »

The library we're using does not provide this feature, we would have to make it "by hand". We hope this will be possible in a future version, but moving to the next version of the ibrary is very time consuming (BTW, please keep this in mind when you move to a new version of Genero: we always try to make new version as backward compatible as possible, this is not the case of all languages !)

Wasn't one of the reasons behind the founding of 4Js was that the founders were frustrated in having to rewrite their systems a number of times :-)
Four Js
Posts: 115

« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2007, 11:35:15 am »


You know better our Company presentation than me :).

Today, we're not only fighting because the langage itself has changed (function / object renamed), but also because the behavior has also changed.

One of the comming issue will be regarding the size of simple EDITs fields and the space between two items in a grid.
The previous version of the lib had hardcoded values for this (one for each platform).

In the latest version, these parameters are read from the system, and they are unfortunately not the same as previoulsy.
What should we do ?
- let the default value, so your application is system compliant, but then you've to review your forms ?
- try - if possible - to mimic GDC 2.1 and previous versions, but then your application is not system compliant (this is even more visible on OSX).

Our goal is to offer both, and let you choose which one you prefer.

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