The help desk is looking into this, but someone here might have come across the problem which we think is some sort of Solaris zones 'gotcha' - we have no problems with standalone Solaris machines. We are using Solaris 10 x64.
Our new servers will be zones on a Solaris SPARC machine. They have been setup, I have installed the test zone and licenced Genero. However I found that rebooting the userver unlicences it - this installation is not using the licence manager:
[testhse2][v6live][inhv6.40] > inhgo kky sc04g
Program stopped at 'set_opt.4gl', line number 62.
FORMS statement error number -6016.
Cannot get information for license (Error 00G000).
Check your environment and the license (run 'fglWrt/greWrt -a info').
[testhse2][v6live][inhv6.40] > fglWrt -a info
ERROR(-6047):The device number of the license file has changed.
[testhse2][v6live][inhv6.40] > fglWrt -V
fglWrt 5.13.23 build-1787
License controller
Target s640800
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