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Menu Accelerators in Studio
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Topic: Menu Accelerators in Studio (Read 12381 times)
Tim B.
Posts: 67
Menu Accelerators in Studio
November 11, 2008, 07:27:37 pm »
In Studio's menus there aren't any single-key accelerators in the menus, ie you can press Alt-F to activate the File menu, but then the options inside the menu like 'Save ...' have no accelerator (eg S). I know that you can press Ctrl-S while editting code, but it is quite frustrating that once you have pressed Alt-F (which you instinctively do) you then have to either use the arrows or the mouse to select the option you want.
Can these accelerators be added somehow (I can't seem do it)? If not, can this be added as a feature request please?
Romain W.
Posts: 48
Re: Menu Accelerators in Studio
Reply #1 on:
November 17, 2008, 10:15:13 am »
Hi Tim,
Ok, you'd like to get accelerators to trigger the menu commands once the menu is opened/expanded? Unfortunately, that doesn't work and can be considered as a (small) bug in Genero Studio. Actually, it is already filed as bug #Bz.9047 (Accelerator for all menus is missing).
Thanks for reporting,
Kind regards,
Tim B.
Posts: 67
Re: Menu Accelerators in Studio
Reply #2 on:
May 11, 2009, 05:17:52 pm »
Using the new version of Studio and the menu accelerators are making things a lot easier now. The whole thing is now a lot faster and more stable, though I have managed to crash it once (sorry can't remember what I did).
One accelerator still missing though is File-> Save <module>, which should be Alt-F, S like almost all other programs. I know Ctrl-S is an accelerator for it, but people get so used to using Alt-F, S in programs that when in doesn't work it's frustrating.
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