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Author Topic: The purpose of this Four J's Technical Forum  (Read 12252 times)
Olivier E.
Four Js
Posts: 204

« on: October 22, 2007, 06:25:34 pm »

Dear customers,

The Four J's Technical Forum is for:

  • Product Announcements.
  • A discussion with BDL (Genero or BDS)  programmers about :
    •  Features, tips and tricks in BDL programming.
    •   Hints on how to implement specific application features.
    •   Guides on deployment methods.
    •   Web, SSH & SSL questions and tips etc.

But NOT For:
  • Post requests for support.
  • Chasing product problem fixes.

Thank you for respecting these guidelines.

Four J's Development Tools

« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 06:28:11 pm »
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