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Author Topic: Ask Reuben 239 - Temporary License  (Read 381 times)
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1099

« on: August 09, 2024, 12:47:43 am »

The recent 2024 CrowdStrike Incident no doubt had managers and directors asking lots of “what-if” questions, reevaluating their recovery plans for unexpected scenarios.   You will have a Recovery Time Objective and a Recovery Point Objective for how long it will take to recover to a certain point.
For high availability of Genero applications you will typically have a back-up server ready to run already licensed with a “back-up license”. When the switch from the live to the back-up server occurs there is no extra time or steps associated with the Genero license,  it is ready to go.
For the next tier down of recovery strategies, your plan may include recovering from a back-up.  If you recover a licensed Genero installation from a back-up, you may encounter errors to do with the fact that a license is tied to a server and you are now on a different server.
Your Genero System Administrator should be familiar with the concept of a Temporary License so that if an unexpected event occurs you have the ability to license a Genero installation to the Temporary License stage without needing any input from Four Js personnel or accessing the Four Js website.


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