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Author Topic: fastcgidispatch  (Read 2118 times)
Benjamin G.
Posts: 124

« on: July 01, 2024, 12:25:14 pm »


fastcgidispatch 5.00.01 build-202403060925
FastCGI Dispatcher
Target l64xl228
Built Mar 12 2024 10:10:30


        <!-- TCP port-related resources of the connector interface -->
        <RESOURCE Id="res.ic.server.port" Source="INTERNAL">6399</RESOURCE>
        <RESOURCE Id="res.ic.admin.port" Source="INTERNAL">6313</RESOURCE>

when i try to fetch gas values in GStudio (Version 5.00.01 build-202403201552) on port 6399 i receive error "Failed to fetch application details " and in the fastcgidispatch.log this error is added

12:06:44.442382 "fastcgi_stream_set_status" Status: UNSUPPORTED_VERSION
12:06:44.442664 "fastcgi_stream_set_status" Status: ABORT

netstat -nap :

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1773373/fastcgidisp
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1773373/fastcgidisp

With version this problem doesn't appear ...

fastcgidispatch 4.01.02 build-202305041126
FastCGI Dispatcher
Target l64xl217
Built May  4 2023 11:35:44

Thanks for help me tracking this situation

* gas_network_error.png (52.03 KB, 699x637 - viewed 417 times.)
Lionel F.
Four Js
Posts: 83

« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2024, 05:04:07 pm »

Hi Benjamin,

You have to access directly the Apache (or nginx) port, not the fastcgidispatcher one . For example :
Host : localhost      Port: 8080
connector: gas

But beforehand you need to allow the GAS to send the version to Genero Studio :

And authorize access to GAS monitor . For example :

Best Regards,

Benjamin G.
Posts: 124

« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2024, 09:58:22 am »


Thank you. It's working.

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