I have a report that contains images (product details) and for some images the report works fine, for others it errors with:
Premature end of file
Cause:/opt3/teq/rpt/tcmstr2.4rp:Product Overview Image, url:error:(GS-31326) Failed to load image from data URL "..."
(cause=Unsupported Image Type)
The images are stored as blobs and sent to the report in a fashion like this:
DEFINE imagefile BYTE
SELECT image INTO IMAGEFILE from tctqtli
WHERE s_qtli = id
PRINTX imagefile
Within the report the image box that is to contain the image has a Location value of:
I am sure it is image related as if I take the an image that errors (a jpg) and save it as a png version then the report works.
So, can anyone see any issues with the above approach and are there any limitations when trying to print jpg images?
I would have attached some example images but the attachment size limit is woefully small.