Hi Gary,
You have not attached the .per but the most likely reason the Goods Quantity and Goods Value fields in the top half of the form are wide is because they have been defined to have the same end position of the Currency ComboBox.
if you have ...
Currency [f01 ]
Goods Quantity [f02 ]
Goods Value [f03 ]
... then those 3 fields have the same start and end position, so in the rendered form they will have the same start and end position. If the ComboBox stretches in order to display the largest value, the Goods Quantity and Goods Value will also stretch.
https://4js.com/online_documentation/fjs-fgl-manual-html/#c_fgl_form_rendering_grid_dependents.html If you want the fields on each line to be independent of the lines above/below then make use of hbox tags
https://4js.com/online_documentation/fjs-fgl-manual-html/#c_fgl_form_rendering_hbox_tags.html, so something like...
Currency [f01 : ]
Goods Quantity [f02 : ]
Goods Value [f03 : ]
Also note you tried to use SAMPLE, note the line in the SAMPLE documentation
https://4js.com/online_documentation/fjs-fgl-manual-html/#c_fgl_FSFAttributes_SAMPLE.html, where it explains what happens if the SAMPLE size is less than the width of the corresponding field tag.
For the columns, you can use DOM tree manipulation to alter the width of the columns but what I suspect is most likely happening (and DOM tree manipulation does not get around it) is that the stored settings is remembering the column width of the table columns, so every time it opens the form it sets the width of the column to be the last width used. If you don't want to preserve what changes the user makes to the column width, column order, column sort order, then I'd suggest you set the forceDefaultSettings presentation style
https://4js.com/online_documentation/fjs-fgl-manual-html/?path=fjs-fgl-manual#r_fgl_presentation_styles_table_style_attributes.html to yes so that the column width is as you set it, and then you can use DOM tree manipulation to alter the column width if you want. I would also draw your attention to the presentation style below the forceDefaultSettings entry in the style reference. I believe if you had set headerAlignment =auto it would be less of an issue because then your column headings for the numeric columns would be directly above their corresponding values,rather than the situation you have of the column headings being left aligned and the numeric values right aligned. So add to your .4st
<Style name="Table">
<StyleAttribute name="forceDefaultSettings" value="yes" />
<StyleAttribute name="headerAlignment" value="auto" />
and then if need be, look at using DOM tree manipulation to alter the column width at the same time you dynamically set the format.
Hope that helps,