while true input g_message from s_message attributes(without defaults, unbuffered) on action send let g_chat = g_message , " - ", g_message display g_chat to s_chat exit input end input input g_chat from s_chat attributes(without defaults, unbuffered) before field s_chat call fgl_dialog_setcursor(g_chat.getLength() -1) exit input end input end while
*** Running 'Scroll_grid' ***::info:(GS-1025) GDC already running on localhost:6401The DVM process crashed. Please contact FourJs support.*** DVM has encountered a problem. Execution of 'Scroll_grid' stopped ***
var textarea = document.getElementById('textarea_id');textarea.scrollTop = textarea.scrollHeight;
gwc.frontCallModuleList.custom = { scrollend: function(id) { var textarea = document.getElementById(id); textarea.scrollTop = textarea.scrollHeight; return 0; }}
MAINDEFINE chat, conversation STRINGDEFINE result STRING OPTIONS INPUT WRAP OPEN WINDOW w WITH FORM "chatwindow" INPUT BY NAME chat, conversation ATTRIBUTES(UNBUFFERED, WITHOUT DEFAULTS=TRUE) BEFORE INPUT CALL DIALOG.setFieldActive("conversation", FALSE) BEFORE FIELD chat -- replace hard-coding of ge118 with method to get web unique id of fieldname CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("custom","scrollend",["ge118"],result) ON ACTION accept LET conversation = conversation, "\n",CURRENT HOUR TO SECOND, " ", chat INITIALIZE chat TO NULL NEXT FIELD chat ON ACTION CLOSE EXIT INPUT END INPUT END MAIN
LAYOUTGRID{[f01 ][ ][ ][" "][f02 ][ ][ ][ ] }ENDENDATTRIBUTESTEXTEDIT f01 = formonly.chat;TEXTEDIT f02 = formonly.conversation, WANTNORETURNS;
<StyleAttribute name="integratedSearch" value="no" /> <StyleAttribute name="textFormat" value="html" /><StyleAttribute name="showEditToolBox" value="no" />
<Style name="Label.LabelHtml" > <StyleAttribute name="textFormat" value="html" /></Style>