FOR i = 1 TO arr.getLength() DISPLAY arr[i].* END FOR
after group of p_rpt.tran_type print column 1, "Total", column 10, group sum(p_rpt.amt)
FIRST PAGE HEADER CREATE TEMP TABLE trantype_sum(trantype CHAR(2), amt DECIMAL(11,2)) BEFORE GROUP OF system_type DELETE FROM trantype_sum WHERE 1=1 ON EVERY ROW ... UPDATE trantype_sum SET amt= p_rpt.amt WHERE trantype = p_rpt.trantype IF rows_updated() = 0 THEN INSERT INTO trantype_sum(trantype, amt) VALUES (p_rpt.trantype,p_rpt.amt) END IF AFTER GROUP OF system_type ... DECLARE trantype_sum_curs CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM trantype_sum ORDER BY trantype FOREACH trantype_sum_curs INTO x.tran_type, x.amt PRINT column1, "Total ", x.trantype, COLUMN 10, x.amt END FOREACH