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Author Topic: Table vertical scrollbar down arrow image hidden by footer when viewed by IE  (Read 14626 times)
Mark R.
Posts: 3

« on: December 11, 2007, 08:46:37 am »

When we have display or input array on a form, and some columns are hidden in the array the down arrow image on the vertical scrollbar is hidden by the footer in IE 6/7. It is not an issue in Firefox.

In Table.xhtml, the snippet code:

                    <tr class="gTableFooter">
                        <td gwc:attributes="colspan columns/length">
                                gwc:condition="offset &amp;&amp; isScrollable"
                                gwc:marks="scrollBy [CID,-pageSize]"
                                gwc:attributes="src tplImages+'navigate_left.png'"

doesn't take into account the hidden columns since columns/length evaluates to all columns in the table. We have currently done a workround by modifying the snippet so that gScrollBarHolder only span the table body not the body and the footer.


                        <td class="gScrollBarHolder"
                            gwc:condition="repeat/table_row/index == 0"
                            gwc:attributes="rowspan repeat/table_row/length + 1"
                            gwc:marks="scrollbar [CID];">


                        <td class="gScrollBarHolder"
                            gwc:condition="repeat/table_row/index == 0"
                            gwc:attributes="rowspan repeat/table_row/length"
                            gwc:marks="scrollbar [CID];">

This means of course, we have to ensure that arrays always at least rows on the form (not a major issue).

Is there any way to evaluate the number of display columns in the snippets?
Four Js
Posts: 65

« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2007, 12:40:57 pm »

Hello Mark,

Indeed the behaviour you've described is not correct. The path to evaluate the number of display columns is missing.

This issue has been registered in our database as #9131 (In IE, table vertical scrollbar down arrow image is missing when a column is hidden).

This problem will be fixed in the next GWC MR.

Thanks reporting,
Best regards,

Four J's Development Tools - Support team for Europe
Tel : +33 3 88 18 61 24      Email :
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