We have a Genero v2.41 application running on Windows Server 2016 and SQL Server 17.9.1.
If we enter an address string like 'Sómé Númbér' into our application and it correctly saves it to our SQL Server database.
We have an API that we've written which takes settings, instructions and data from an XML file. The API is just run in a command window and has the following environment variables set:
set FGLDIR=C:\Program Files\FourJs\Genero Studio 2.41.45\fgl
set FGLPROFILE=%FGLDIR%\etc\fglprofile
set PATH=%FGLDIR%\bin;%FGLDIR%\lib;%PATH%
set DBFORMAT=*:*:.:*
When the API tries to save 'Sómé Númbér' it is saved to the database as 'Sómé Númbér'.
I've been reading the documentation and I think that LANG or LC_ALL needs to be set to ensure the correct encoding. I've tried:
set LC_ALL=en-GB.utf8
but I just get an error returned saying:
Error: locale not supported by C library, check LANG.
I've tried different combinations according to this Microsoft Locale web page:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/locale-names-languages-and-country-region-strings?view=msvc-160but nothing has worked.
What do I need to change to get the correct characters saved using our API?