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Author Topic: GAS 2.20 and ISAPI (IIS6)  (Read 14193 times)
Posts: 9

« on: May 15, 2009, 03:24:43 pm »

When using an ISAPI installation and IIS6 the gasd.ini file needs entries for the GAS server location.  The documentation assumes that it is on the same server as the web server.  In our environment we have a web server and 3 application servers (all Windows Server 2003) and we need to add entries for these GAS servers. 

As these are on remote servers to the web server, what should the entries look like for each server ? 

Also, is it possible to have more than one GASD running on a server using additional ports.  The FAQ on this site does mention this with an example but it does not give any other information on how to start additional GAS daemons on one server ?

Four Js
Posts: 65

« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2009, 10:27:11 am »

Hi Darren,

Beginning with GAS 2.20, the GAS behaviour against webserver has changed.
You can still use legacy connectors method but to get better performance, you could use the new ISAPI mechanism. This new method implies that the GAS is embedded within the ISAPI extension itself.   
See details in our documentation:

Since the GAS is fully integrated with IIS, in your environment you will have to install an IIS in all the 3 machines where you installed a GAS. Then your web server will have to manage the connections between your 3 application servers.

Concerning your second question, you can have more than one gasd running on a same machine using additional ports.
Could you please tell me what is the FAQ you are refering to (so we give a little more precision if needed) ?
However, with the GAS 2.20, it is less useful to have several gasd running on a same machine since it's now multi-threaded.

Best regards,
Posts: 9

« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2009, 03:08:31 pm »

Thanks for your response but I now have a few more questions .....

Is there any Documentation on how to configure one IIS Web Server to manager the connections to subordinate Web Servers ?  We have successfully configured the legacy connectors to work and are currently using Apache 2.2 on Windows as our Web Server.  There seems to be an assumption that using ISAPI and configuring the connections to other web servers should be a relatively easy task but some documentation that supports this would be useful.  Does the ISAPI GAS integration also manage the relationship with other web servers or is there more to configure.

We would like to work in an environment supported by 4Js and we are concious that our current config is not in line with 4Js guidlines for Windows Server platform.
Sisavanh S.
Four Js
Posts: 80

« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2009, 04:14:13 pm »


May I ask you to contact your local support center ?
Seems you have a quite complex architecture.
Once we sort it out, I'll be pleased to add some hints in the GAS manual.

Thanks in advance.
Many regards,
Posts: 9

« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2009, 11:23:10 am »

Hi Sisavanh,

I have tried local support but knowledge is ISAPI and IIS is a bit weak. 

Our architecture is not that complex.  We have a web server connecting to many GAS servers but we've implemented the solution based on the legacy connector architecture as was advised with Genero 2.10 at the time we started our code migration.

When 2.20 came out we were surprised to see that the recommended connectivity for Windows platform had changed and we
were advised to try ISAPI.  That's where we came to a halt.  The documentation specifies ISAPI but does not go into enough
detail on how to configure a single web server contacting multiple GAS servers.  That's what we want in our environment so that we get easy deployment of our client (we have over 500 users) and the added benefit of load balancing across our GAS architecture.  If you can provide any assistance to our UK support centre then it would be appreciated.

We are about to go live now with our application (just migrated from BDL) and don't want to change anything now it's in place in the short term but if 4Js are to provide support then we need a supported configuration.


Sisavanh S.
Four Js
Posts: 80

« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2009, 12:13:40 pm »


I will open a case at to deal with your issue in detail.
As for now, the legacy connector is still supported even if it is not the recommended way with 2.20 as you will not benefit the enhancements made in 2.20 architecture.
You can still configure the legacy connector as in 2.10, this will just redirect the request to the right GAS or webserver.

Let's discuss this off line.

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