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Author Topic: Report-Writer getting started ???  (Read 17861 times)
Stefan S.
Posts: 90

« on: June 22, 2009, 04:46:47 pm »

Hello List, (Support)

I installed the Genero Reports Engine + Genero 2.20 on a Linux-Server and the Designer on my Windows-Client.

I want to test it with a simple Report-Program, but I have trouble with compiling the program correctly.

I use a simple Script to set my enviroment and compile the program:

export FGLDIR=/opt/genero
export GREDIR=/opt/generorw
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_01
export PATH=$FGLDIR/bin:$PATH
export APIDIR=$GREDIR/lib/api
export OVERLOADABLESDIR=$GREDIR/lib/overloadables
export SAXSTYLESDIR=$GREDIR/lib/saxstyles
cd /programme/public/genero-rw
fglform maske.per

fglcomp testreport.4gl

fglcomp --build-rdd testreport.4gl  #erstellt aus dem 42m eine report-schema datei

fgllink -o testreport.42r testreport.42m $APIDIR/helpers.42m $APIDIR/isotools.42m $OVERLOADABLESDIR/CompatCustom.42m $OVERLOADABLESDIR/CaptionCustom.42m $OVERLOADABLESDIR/EncodingCustom.42m

I have no errors when I compile this program, but if I start the program I have the following error message:

FORMS statement error number -6206.
The dynamic loader can not open module 'helpers'.

So I copied some files in my program directory:
AddCaptionsToReportStyleSheet.42m  fgldraw1.42m
CaptionCustom.42m                  helpers.42m
CompatCustom.42m                   isotools.42m
CompatibilityStyleSheet.42m        LoaderStyleSheet.42m
CompatToHlPxml.42m                 PrettyPrinterStyleSheet.42m

and started again.
now I have the following error:

[lutz5 /programme/public/genero-rw]$fglrun testreport.42r
Program stopped at 'testreport.4gl', line number 42.
FORMS statement error number -1260.
It is not possible to convert between the specified types.
[lutz5 /programme/public/genero-rw]$Exception at document location :
publicId=-//FOURJS//any XML stdin//EN systemId=file:/programme/public/genero-rw/report.4rp line no=1
LoaderStyleSheet: element no 0 path=
Parse error:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.
        at com.fourjs.pxml.stylesheet.StyleSheetPipe.c(


Is this an installation-Problem, or is something wrong with the compilation ?

I attached the program an report-files to this mail.

Thanks in advance


* (5.11 KB - downloaded 1424 times.)
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1099

« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2009, 05:10:46 am »

You haven't exported FGLLDPATH, that is why "The dynamic loader can not open dynamic module Helpers".

Secondly this line ...

call fgl_report_commitCurrentSettings() returning lo_ok

the function returns an object of type om.SaxDocumentHandler, not a smallint

hence the message about not being to convert between the two types.

Have you looked at the sample programs provided with Genero Report Designer in samples/demos

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