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Author Topic: Hsving items split across pages  (Read 11876 times)
Jeff M.
Posts: 40

« on: September 23, 2022, 07:11:24 pm »


I am having some problems where items are too large to fit on the remainder of the page it starts a new page before printing anything.

EXAMPLE 1: String field into HTML Box. Half page left but more than half page of text, This will do a page break and start printing on the next page, It will then successfully split to the next page.

EXAMPLE 2: Table (in a FOR) with HTMLBOX column. Half page left but table requires more than half a page. Forces a page break before any of the table is printed even though it could have fitted the first few rows. It then successfully splits to the next page **

I have tried using 'Split Oversized Items' on various containers and he table

** If the table column is more than one page long (you cannot control users!) then  the next page will lose all other columns and stretch across the whole table. If it does not fit on that page it then over-prints the second page before continuing onto a third.

I would really appreciate some help
Jeff M.
Posts: 40

« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2022, 07:15:48 pm »

Version 3.20
Alex G.
Four Js
Posts: 148

« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2022, 10:10:45 am »

Hi Jeff,

>EXAMPLE 2: Table (in a FOR) with HTMLBOX column. Half page left but table requires more than half a page. Forces a page break before any of the table is printed even though it could have fitted the first few rows. It then successfully splits to the next page **
That behavior is the result of setting "length="max" or length="min". This translates to "take as much space as you can, and fit the content in it". Since there is more space on the second page, it uses that space instead of the "less" space on the current page. If you specify length="rest" then you should get the expected behavior, namely that of taking the available space on the current page.

>I have tried using 'Split Oversized Items' on various containers and he table
Exactly, that is what you should use to split the HTML content. The property combination Layout Direction="TopToBottom", Split Overersized Items="true', Length="rest" and Y-Size Adjustment="shrinkToChildren" should produce good breaking and use the available space without creating gaps.

Best regards,
Jeff M.
Posts: 40

« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2022, 11:39:18 am »

Hi Alex,

Thank you for the response.

I had tried using rest but the results were too odd to know where to start unravelling. Also, it means that it throws a page break after the table which is not really what we want either.

Anyway, attached is what happens when you do 'rest' on both the container and the table (the only way to not page break before the table) and using 'Shrink to children'

You are looking at the section below the table 'Arrivals and departures' that has no borders and begins with Friday 21st September 2022

Each day, including the date, is a single row in an HTML box (although I have seen this exact thing with more than one column),

You will see the first 4 rows print without a page break (desired  behaviour), but then throws a page break and the continues printing but mirrored (so backwards to the right of the page). The last 3 days are then chopped as it hasn't printed a 4th page.

The 'Catering' Table that follows (and appears fine) is ON EVERY ROW where all the preceding tables are FOR loop in a BEFORE GROUP.

* Table using rest.pdf (56.6 KB - downloaded 907 times.)
Jeff M.
Posts: 40

« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2022, 11:48:37 am »

Hi Alex,

I have got it working and it was the way you said although I rest everything and went back through.

Container set to 'rest' and 'shrink to children' whilst table set to 'min'.

I thought this was how I had it but I've done so much tinkering I might have set something else somewhere that was affecting it. I reset all the parameters on all containers above the table and then set them to what I required and then your settings  worked.

Thank you very much. Still didn't see the 'mirror subsequent pages setting' but I'll let that stay a mystery
Alex G.
Four Js
Posts: 148

« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2022, 11:55:15 am »

Hi Jeff,
that is great news. I would be great if you would send the .4rp together with the GREDATAFILE to support so that I can take a look what cause that mirroring. No need for a complicated description. If you just mention this thread and attach the two files, then that would be enough and it would be a great help for me.

Jeff M.
Posts: 40

« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2022, 12:23:22 pm »

Hi Alex,

I will do that later this morning. I should be able to run the report in 2 phases to get you data as I still have a problem with htmlboxes not in a table doing weird stuff when they don't fit.

If I use rest I get a stack overflow in java. If I don't I get a page break and it stretches the text.

I accept this is not a simple report.
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