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Author Topic: Is it possible to use the standard Microsoft Windows dialog to choose a printer?  (Read 13791 times)
Newdecision T.
Posts: 12

« on: July 29, 2009, 12:37:14 pm »

In Genero Report Writer 1.00.16 is it possible to use the standard Microsoft Windows dialog to choose a printer (as it is already implemeted using a "traditional" report and if DBPRINT=FGLSERVER) ?

Versions used:

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 8 ) (arch: x86_64) (64 bits)
    Genero BDL 2.20.06
    Genero Report Writer 1.00.16

    Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 3) (arch: x86) (32 bits)
    Genero Desktop Client 2.20.13

Vitorino Ribeiro
SINFIC - Sistemas de Informação Industriais e Consultoria, S.A.

Alex G.
Four Js
Posts: 149

« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2009, 09:33:12 pm »

Are you referring to the print dialogs in the Report Viewer and in the Acrobat reader? The dialog in the Report Viewer looks exactly the same as the dialog in word pad and the preferences button opens a printer driver specific dialog. In Acrobat reader the initial dialog is more complex and apparently custom made but the preferences button pops up the same, printer specific dialog. What are the differences that you are experiencing?
Newdecision T.
Posts: 12

« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2009, 10:29:55 pm »

No, I want to send a "new" Genero Report (using GRE/GRD) DIRECTLY to the printer, without previewing it:

The logic would be something like this:

--> Ask the user if he/she wants to preview or print the data:

  --> If the user wants to preview the data then ask him the format (SVG / PDF ) and "preview" the report (and the Genero Report Viewer / Adobe Acrobat Reader would be used to preview the report (I have this part working!));

   --> If the user wants to print the data, then ask the user which printer he/she wants to use (using the standard Microsoft Windows Print dialog) and sent the report to __THAT__ printer (without previewing the report) (... and this is the part I am unable to do)

             NOTE: In Four J's BDS, if I set the environment variable DBPRINT to "FGLSERVER" and I use a "traditional" report without any printer sequences ("escapes") I can do something like that, but the standard Microsft Windows Print dialog only appears after the report is finished.

Vitorino Ribeiro
SINFIC - Sistemas de Informação Industriais e Consultoria, S.A.
Romain W.
Four Js
Posts: 48

« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2009, 11:24:35 am »

Unfortunately, this is not possible in the way you expect (getting the Windows printing dialog, without previewing). A new enhancement request has been filed for such feature: #14077 (Send a report directly to the printer and get the printing dialog).
However, you can already send your report directly to a printer, without previewing it by passing parameter 'Printer' to the 'fgl_report_selectDevice()' function within the 4GL source code. You can even define other settings by calling specific Printer functions (see GRD documentation section 'Genero Report Writer - Reporting API - Helpers -
Additional Functions to Change Default Output options - Printer').
Romain W.
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