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Author Topic: Compatibility Genero 1.31d and Informix 11  (Read 18169 times)
Safouane K.
Posts: 3

« on: May 15, 2015, 11:32:34 am »

Hi all,

I ask for the compatibility between Genero version 1.31 and Informix 11, please help me is urgent.

Best regards,
Sebastien F.
Four Js
Posts: 528

« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2015, 11:35:40 am »

Hello, can you please provide all details about your configuration?

- Operating System type and version
- Informix Client SDK installed

What problem do you face?

Safouane K.
Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2015, 12:05:51 pm »

Thanx for your reply.

- OS AIX 6.1
- Informix 11 FC8

I want to install Genero 1.31d under AIX 6.1 and run my programmes 42r with informix 11.

I think i must recompile runner, but i ask first for the compatibility of versions (Informix,Genero), Genero 1.31 support informix 11?

Now i have application turn under (Genero 1.31, AIX 5.4 and INFORMIX 9).

We want to change server, AIX 5.4 to AIX 6.1 and INFORMIX 9 to INFORMIX 11, but i ask for the compatibilty for my new structure and the version 1.31 of Genero.

Thanx a lot for your help.
Sebastien F.
Four Js
Posts: 528

« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2015, 02:00:04 pm »

Genero 1.31 is an old version, that has not been QA tested on AIX 6.1 + INFORMIX 11.
You can find supported platforms matrix for version 1.33 here:

Your initial mail suggested that you are blocked in production.
Apparently, is is not the case.

Please wait until Monday to contact the support, we will then see if your new configuration (AIX 6.1 + IDS 11) can be supported.

Note: You should consider to upgrade to a more recent Genero version (2.50), that is QA tested with recent platforms and database versions:

Best regards,
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1099

« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2015, 01:01:41 am »

Some comments on the support systems documentation.  You will find the supported systems document in the products and downloads section of the website   It should be the 1st entry in the list and the current version as Seb gave you is

Recent versions of this document include the database clients we connect to. Note this is not the database version, but the database client, so you won't see Informix 11 in the list, you see an entry such as "Informix CSDK ESQL/C 3.50 & 3.70 & 4.10".  We connect to the database client, not to the database.

For older versions of our product, in the bottom right corner of the product and documentation download pages, there is an entry "Archived Release".  This is where you will find downloads and documentation for older versions of our product, and in there you will find an entry for the supported systems document.  This is what Seb also linked you, the links are not permanent, note the random letters in Sebs URL.  Being an older document, the format and content isn't as good as the recent examples, and sometimes it pays too look in more  recent versions to find the info you need.

The key thing I'm going to point out from those links is that Genero 1.3 is not supported on AIX 6.1, so you should not even be considering running it on AIX 6.1.  Whilst we could run tests to see if it passes QA, the reality is that if we did find an issue, chances are it has been fixed in a more recent version, and it would be suggested that you upgrade.  Even if it was a new issue, it would be unlikely we would apply a patch that far back.  Generally patches are applied to current (2.5) and previous version(2.4).

You have indicated that you are upgrading server and database versions, so presumably there is a level of QA testing going on at your end to make sure your programs still run, so I would strongly recommend you take the opportunity to also upgrade to a current Genero version.  As well as being able to run on contemporary O/S and databases, you will also be able to take advantage of new functionality and the approximately 10 years of investment in the product since the days of 1.3


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Safouane K.
Posts: 3

« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2015, 12:39:07 pm »

Thank a lot for all this informations, this is exactly what i need to know, and reorgnize the next step.

Seb, Reuben, thank you for this large and expansif answear.

Best regards,
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