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Author Topic: OpenSSL/Gnutls Issue and Genero products  (Read 6787 times)
Olivier E.
Four Js
Posts: 204

« on: June 06, 2014, 04:39:51 pm »


  Dear Customers,

OpenSSL announced yesterday the fix of several issues :
Here are some explanations about the openssl issues :

Gnutls also announced issues this week :

Four Js is working hard to analyze the impact on Genero and we will deliver a solution ASAP.

We keep you posted.

Best regards,

Four Js Development Tools
Olivier E.
Four Js
Posts: 204

« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2014, 05:43:31 pm »


Dear customer,


Regarding this previous announcement:

Four Js is pleased to announce the fix for Genero 2.32, 2.41 and 2.50.

You can download version-specific patches from the following URL:

This impacts 4 Genero products:

  • GST : versions 2.32.24 / 2.41.44 / 2.50.20
  • GRD : versions 2.32.24 / 2.41.41 / 2.50.14
  • FGLGWS : versions 2.32.03 / 2.41.04 / 2.50.10
  • GDC for Windows : versions 2.32.08 / 2.41.06 / 2.50.13

  GST packages include the patch for FGLGWS + GDC Windows + GRD

 Use the patch that matches your minor version; the build number simply needs to be less than or equal to the build number of the patch. For example, you can patch GST 2.50.15 with the patch for GST 2.50.20. For GST, the version written in the patch name tells you that you can patch GST versions <= 2.50.20. This is true for all of the products and their patches.

===How to apply a patch===

For each product:

  • Go to the product installation directory.
  • Copy the patch into this directory.
  • Uncompress the patch.

It will replace the OpenSSL libraries.


For any issues, please contact your local support center.


Best regards,


Four Js Development Tools
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