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Author Topic: error 6366 Could not load database driver dbmmys50x.  (Read 30540 times)
Nuno G.
Posts: 38

« on: February 22, 2014, 08:51:32 pm »

Hi there!
This should be easy but for same reason it is turning into a nigthmare.
I'm trying to extract a schema from a MySql database. The server is my pc and I used the default MySql configurations.
Even so, all my attempts ended with this error.
I've been lookin in gst forum and I allready configured properly both LC_LIBRARY_PATH and FGLLDPATH.
Atempts against SQL Server (also as my pc as server) ended up the same way.

By the way: I', using windows 8.1

Genero Studio
Version 2.41.44 build-129159
Target w64vc90

Installed on

C:\Program Files\FourJs\Genero Studio

So, can someone give me an hint ?
I'm sending my envvar settings and my small project file as an attachement.

* env.txt (2.67 KB - downloaded 1519 times.)
* sakila.4pw (0.51 KB - downloaded 1125 times.)
Nuno G.
Posts: 38

« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2014, 11:08:25 am »

after setting FGLSQLDEBUG to 9

4gl source      : fgldbslib.4gl line=677
 | loading driver  : [C:\Program Files\FourJs\Genero Studio\fgl\dbdrivers\dbmmys50x]
 | Dynamic linker error: [Impossível localizar o módulo especificado.

Nuno G.
Posts: 38

« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2014, 11:36:02 am »

Inclusion the fourjs gst lib directories in PATH did not resolve the problem.
Nuno G.
Posts: 38

« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2014, 01:20:52 pm »

Changing the defaults instalation on gst makes it do not recognize FGLDIR. Changing the FGLDIR value manually does not solve the problem.
regsvr dbmmys50x.dll causes an error similar to the one I got on gst schema extraction.
In desespere I', turning to 32 bits version.
Nuno G.
Posts: 38

« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2014, 08:21:19 pm »

I've been trying all day long to put a simple connection to work. I've got no success at all with Sql Server and MySql. On the last case I allways got the following message on the putput pane:

Connection to database 'sakila@localhost:3306' failed.
      -6366: Could not load database driver dbmmys50x. Set FGLSQLDEBUG to get more details.
 | 4gl source      : fgldbslib.4gl line=753
 | loading driver  : [C:\Program Files\FourJs\Genero Studio\fgl\dbdrivers\dbmmys50x]
 | Dynamic linker error: [Impossível localizar o módulo especificado.
Schema extraction failed.

I get the same message if I try to set a Ifx connection (even if I have no Informix Server availables).

As you can see from the error messge I'm using a portuguese localization on my Windows, where programs are installed on c:\programas and not c:\program files. However if you open the Windows explorer and type "c:\programas" the final address you get on the address field is "c:\program files".

Could this be a localization problem ? I tried to set envvars ProgamFiles, FGLDPATH, PATH and all the rest I could think on with no sucess al all. The final message is always the same!
I tried through the systems variables, on the language setting, the all works...

The only thing I did not was to change the default settings on FGLPROFILE, since it looks to me rather logic that the identification of the database type we want to use on the new schema dialog should be enough.

I hope someone can give a hint on this one...

Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1067

« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2014, 10:09:51 pm »

I hope someone can give a hint on this one...

Does ldd (or the Windows equivalent) give a clue?

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Nuno G.
Posts: 38

« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2014, 09:06:43 am »

Hi Reuben.

I know no equivalent of idd for Windows. Sorry. So no, for the time being I have no clues at all.
My suspicious, as I said, rely on the Windows 8 translation mecanism, that replace "Programas" for "Program Files".
What I noticed though is that the MySQL env vars  they all refer "c:\Program Files". Secondaly I noticed that the error messsage referes to "c:\program files" even when my all settings refres to c:\programas. Curiously FGLSQLDEBUG setted on "Language Settings" panel worked perfectly.

One thing I beg you to test is that changing the default instalation directory from "c:\Programas\Fourjs" to "c:\Genero", which I did to confirm my assumptions, locked the database type on the new schema dialog and made it limited me to the default dabatase type setted on FGLPROFILE.

I need urgently to test the Genero Report Writer to decide how to migrate our old document reportind mecanism from the good old RDS ways to a more pratical and customizable implementation. Threrefore my urgency on this matter.

TIA and my apologies for the inconvenience and this long posting.

Sebastien F.
Four Js
Posts: 512

« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2014, 09:35:50 am »


To identify if it's a Studio issue or an fglrun problem, you could open a console window, set the FGL environment, compile a little program and try to connect to the database to see if it makes a difference.

On Windows, I use dumpbin /dependents as equivalent for the Unix ldd command. This is a Visual C++ tool. You have also Dependency Walker.

What MySQL version du you have?
Are you sure you have the dbmmys50x.dll driver in FGLDIR/dbdrivers?

There can be many reasons for a driver loading problem, if this is urgent I suggest that you call the support center so we can check your configuration live on the phone.

Nuno G.
Posts: 38

« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2014, 09:19:23 am »

I'm affraid I've been barkin to the wrong tree!

There were two problems, neither related directly to the Genero drivers:
the first one was a wrongfully definition off MYSQL_HOME on the genero configuration, wich lead to the error 6366, since it could not locate libmysqlclient.dll .
The second one, later on,  was the version of MySql: I was using 5.6 what lead to a 6368 error: "Invalid MYSql client lib detected, expecting 505". I downgraded to MySql 5.5 and the problem was solved.

Many thanks to Reuben, Sebastian and specially to Ricardo Suserrey for the pacience and support.
Best regards to all
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