PDF, XLS and RTF preview is performed using the 4GL program gviewdoc.4gl (The application is provided in source at $GREDIR/gre/src/bin/gviewdoc.4gl).
That program uses a shellexec frontcall to view the document. The frontcall will launch whatever application is registered for handling files with the extension ".pdf" giving users the freedom to define alternatives. Typically this will be Acroread. Since we don't known what application will be launched I don't see how we could configure those presets (as far as I know the PDF format does not define them).
You could however have GRE create PDF files on the server and then use you own derived version of "gviewdoc.4gl" to view those.
This derived version could for example pass command line options to the viewing application for the required presets (If such options are offered by the viewing application).
Acroread has some undocumented switches for direct printing or for opening the print dialog (see
Other viewing applications may offer similar options.
Is viewing the report in GRV an alternative option? If yes, then you could add a "print" button to your application that prints with predefined presets (See API calls fgl_report_configureSVGPreview(), fgl_report_configureSVGCopies() and fgl_report_setSVGSheetCollate()).
>I have tried fgl_report_setPrinterCopies(3) ...
These API calls apply only to server based direct printing (fgl_report_selectDevice("Printer")).