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Author Topic: Drag and Drop  (Read 8789 times)
Danny D.
Posts: 9

« on: May 10, 2012, 03:35:32 pm »

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has made a drag and drop system with multiple levels. In the examples we can see drag and drop with 1 level (order and trucks), but I wanted to make a system with multiple drop levels.
Thanks for any tips!
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1130

« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2012, 11:54:53 pm »

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has made a drag and drop system with multiple levels. In the examples we can see drag and drop with 1 level (order and trucks), but I wanted to make a system with multiple drop levels.
Thanks for any tips!

What do you mean by multiple drop levels?

One of the things I emphasize when demoing order and trucks is that it has the 3 types of drops.  You can...
  • drag and drop an order onto a truck so it is inserted into the tree as a child of the truck
  • drag and drop a truck in-between other trucks so that the order of the trucks in the array changes
  • drag an order off a truck and drop it anywhere on the array on the left and it will be appended to that array.
  • as well as prohibiting drops i.e drag truck onto an order
These types all have different feedbacks to help the user figure out where a drop will occur.

With multiple drop levels, I'm guessing you'd be using any one of those three types of drops or preventing drops, depending where you are in the levels.

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