| Genero Enterprise 4.01 Maintenance Release : Genero BDL - GAS - GDC
Four Js is pleased to announce a Maintenance Release of
- Genero BDL with Web Services (BDL – GWS - JGAS - GBC - GGC - WCG - GIP) 4.01.06
- Genero Application Server 4.01.06
- Genero Desktop Client 4.01.07
Genero BDL with Web Service (BDL - JGAS - GBC - GGC - WCG - GIP) 4.01.06 is the bundle which includes:
- Business Development Language (FGL) 4.01.06
- Web service extension (GWS) 4.01.06
- Genero Browser Client (GBC) 4.01.21
- Genero Identity Provider (GIP) 4.01.03
- Genero Ghost Client testing tool (GGC) 4.01.04
- Application Server for Java (JGAS) 4.01.01
- Web Components and wrappers (WCG) 4.01.03
What's new for Genero BDL... We deliver 2 new package L64XL228 including libncurses6 and L64AL234 ARM rocky 8 and 9 and Red Hat 9.2 replacing the L64AL217 package that is not delivered
Known issue During our QA tests we found a last minute issue impacting the fglrichtext webcomponent
WCG-177 : fglrichtext content not refreshed when content changes fast).
Our development team is currently working on the fix of this issue and we will provide a fix as soon as possible.
As a temporary workround you can use the fglrichtext webcomponent delivered with the previous FGLGWS version 4.01.05.
What's new for Genero Application Server We deliver a new package L64AL234 ARM for Rocky 8 and 9 and Red Hat 9.2 replacing the L64AL217 package that is not delivered anymore.
What's new for Genero Desktop Client ... This is the first GDC release supporting officially Genero 3.20 native rendering additionally to Genero 4 universal rendering.
This is a maintenance release supporting
- native rendering while connecting to Genero 3.10 infrastructure
- native rendering while connecting to Genero 3.20 infrastructure
- universal rendering while connecting to Genero 4.01 infrastructure
- universal rendering while connecting to Genero 5.00 infrastructure (EAP)
This release contains bug fixes for Genero 4 and Genero 3.20 customers.
This release is dedicated to development and production.
As this is the first version supporting back native rendering, customer migrating production from GDC 3.21 need to take it with cautious,
we may provide GDC 3.21 CCR if this is stated as a too risky process.
These packages are now downloadable from the web site :
These versions also include also the following bugs fixes :
All Four Js Genero customers under maintenance have free access to the new release.
Best regards,
Four Js Development Tools