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Author Topic: Ask Reuben 42 - Clickable Images  (Read 5549 times)
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1127

« on: August 20, 2020, 05:55:08 am »

In early incarnations of Genero, a common request was to add Clickable Images or to change the appearance of Buttons.  These common questions included …

   • how can I add a BUTTON to a TABLE ?  .
   • how can I change the appearance of a BUTTON so that it is not a small icon and/or some text ? 

The approach taken was to go down the path of Clickable Images.  That is to add to the IMAGE widget, an ACTION attribute, if the user clicks on the IMAGE, then the specified ACTION is trigged in the current dialog.

This opens up a number of uses, but the most noticeable use was with tables, and actions that are specific to a row of the table.  For a row bound action where previously you would either select a row and then click a Toolbar Button, ActionPanel Button, or Button, none of which were inside the Table, or right-click on the row and select the action from the Context Menu, what the concept of Clickable Images allows is for you to add a table column that contains an IMAGE where ACTION is set to the action you want to occur.  Clicking on this image changes the current row and then triggers the action.  This user experience has the positive traits of one distinct gesture and is contained solely inside the table, as opposed to two gestures, one of which is outside the table.

This also allowed you to change the appearance of buttons as they appeared in the GRID container by replacing them with a clickable Image.


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