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Author Topic: TABLE - Incorrect display of images  (Read 13880 times)
Ernest D.
Posts: 19

« on: April 27, 2020, 03:25:10 pm »


In GDC 3.20 the images are no longer searched for locally. All images is now centralized on the server. This is a good step, but the program sometimes displays images incorrectly. If application is running via VPN, reading images into forms is slowly.

Another problem, the images in the table are loaded incorrectly (see video).

fglrun 3.20.09 rev-1c71cff0
Genero virtual machine
Target l64xl212

Genero Desktop Client
Version 3.20.12 build-202003191410
Target w32v141

Best regards,
Leo S.
Four Js
Posts: 129

« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2020, 04:33:41 pm »

Hello Ernest, this sounds like a bug.
Please contact your local support center and try to provide a minimal code sample.
Interesting in this context would be also the ping times of your VPN.
(Or alternatively the time for 1 frontcall roundtrip, see attached)
Regards, Leo

* fc100.4gl (0.4 KB - downloaded 1477 times.)
Roland W.
Posts: 22

« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2020, 09:23:28 am »

Hello everyone,

we're experiencing similar issues when changing images on the fly for Toolbars or Topmenu-entries (also running GDC 3.20.12). Sometimes the default image is displayed although it should be replaced. However, this behaviour cannot be reproduced reliably.
Since we're using our custom routines to build and change Toolbars, Topmenus and Actions it's kind of tricky to show our code. The basic idea is to directly access the DOM node element and call to set the image.
Our environment doesn't make use of VPN connections, the workstations are connected to our in-house application server. So I'd agree that this is a bug but is not limited to tables or VPNs.

Kind regards
Leo S.
Four Js
Posts: 129

« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2020, 07:58:48 pm »

Hello Roland, thank you for the remark.
If you have difficulties to condense the problem into a smaller sample application, please do the following
  • start the application with the VM logging option fglrun --start-guilog wrong_image.log <your_app>
  • in addition activate GDC logging
  • terminate the application with Ctrl-C (or Ctrl-Backslash) in the moment where the wrong image(s) appear(s)
  • send the support both logs (VM and GDC log), custom images if any , let the support know the AUI tree id(s) of the element(s) getting the wrong image(s), in addition a screenshot with the wrongly displayed elements can't hurt 
Regards Leo
Leo S.
Four Js
Posts: 129

« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2020, 08:06:25 pm »

In addition also the stderr output when FGLGUIDEBUG is set is a good forensic source for us
  1. FGLGUIDEBUG=1 fglrun --start-guilog wrong_image.log <your_app> 2>gui.debug
would be the command line for that
Leo S.
Four Js
Posts: 129

« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2020, 03:49:23 pm »

Hi folks, regarding this we have a registered bug

GDC-4356 bad display when scrolling in tables using images
which might match your problem.
It is fixed for the upcoming GDC 3.20.13 maintenance release,
so please check with the support if this problem is actually yours.
Regards, Leo
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