Is this thread a request/reminder for FGL-1477 "Multiple column ordering (sort) in DISPLAY ARRAY" (created 9 years 8 months ago?
A table can be sorted by multiple columns. The sort algorithm is stable. Example: Sorting interactively (by clicking the sort icon in the header of the table-view) first by "gender" then by "name" produces the same visual result as sorting the table by "ORDER BY name, gender".
The problem is: when entering the dialog again then the "sort history" is lost, the table is sorted only by the last criteria.
We should distinguish 2 scenarios
a) redisplay the table in the same process (the dialog runs in a loop, the dialog is called more then once in the same program).
b) display the table in a new process (after restarting the program)
In case of a) a fix is relatively easy. The runtime can store and reapply the "sort history".
In case of b) a fix is heavy: the fix requires modifications in the runtime and any client.
My instinct: case b) is not relevant.
@all: you should really have a look at Reuben's "Multi Column Sort" at Nice and simple code. (BTW: covers case a)