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Topic: GDC and iPhone (Read 11883 times)
Infrastructure T.
Posts: 3
GDC and iPhone
April 01, 2010, 12:25:25 am »
Are there any plans?
Kind Regards
Posts: 115
Re: GDC and iPhone
Reply #1 on:
April 01, 2010, 09:00:53 am »
There is no plan for a desktop client on iPhone, unfortunately.
GDC is based on Qt, which has been acquired by Nokia. Nokia and Apple are fighting on legal, commercial and even philosophical field (Nokia acquired Symbian, the OS of their phones, and made it open source, while Apple is very proprietary). So there is no plan for an official support of Qt on iPhone OS.
If we would like to propose a desktop iPhone client, we would have to:
- either wait for Apple and Nokia to end their fight and then Nokia could work on the port
- either wait for the open source port of Qt on iPhone OS to be finished - but the last time I looked at it, it was far from being finished
- write a new front-end with another toolkit (directly in Objective C with iPhone SDK), but writing a complete new front end takes time and resources, so I let you contact your sales ;)
But Four J's does not forget iPhone users: we're currently adapting GWC to iPhone. And as iPhone's browser is able to display iPhone native widgets, a html/javascript based application can look like a native one. So our solution will be to use GWC with some customization / snippets for the iPhone - but I'll let the GWC team gives you more details if you need.
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