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Author Topic: Known issue with GST 3.00.22  (Read 14185 times)
Christine R.
Four Js
Posts: 431

« on: January 18, 2016, 11:22:36 am »

          Four J's Technical Information

                                      Technical issue with Genero Studio 3.00.22

     Dear Customers,

A problem has been discovered with Genero Studio 3.00.22, when using it with older versions of Genero BDL.
It has been registered under the reference GST-12777 : Error when configuring older versions of Genero BDL in GST 3.00.

A patch fixing this issue can be downloaded at the following URL:

There are 3 packages available:

    for Windows :
    for Linux : fjs-gst-3.00.22-149173-patch1-linux.tgz
    for Mac OS/X : fjs-gst-3.00.22-149173-patch1-m64.tgz

Installation instructions can be found in the README.txt.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Best regards,

 Four J's Development Tools
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