I've seen the option Autoscale but if a click on it genero studio ask me for an "initialiser" ... i've expected a "checkbox" true/false ?
How it's work ?
on .per file it's only an "autoscale" option ...
For autoScale I see a Checkbox on the left, on the right hand side is an initializer button and a reset button. (the initializer functionality is mentioned here
http://4js.com/online_documentation/fjs-gst-manual-html/#gst-topics/c_gst_formdesigner_properties_info.html I don't think you would be using it in this instance ).
I wonder, what O/S are you using and what version? There was an issue with GDC on Linux
https://4js.com/support/issue/?id=GDC-4332 where an unchecked checkbox was difficult to see against the background. As GST uses same Qt libraries, potentially same issue could occur with GST on Linux. So I wonder if the checkbox is there and you just can't see it. So click where it should be and see if the check becomes visible or try a different theme etc