I'm having an issue while running fglrun as root.
The program tries connecting to the database and fails immediately.
The program I'm testing is the following:
define oUser char(10)
connect to 'db' user 'user' using 'pass'
select @user into oUser from indica
display "UTILIZADOR: ", oUser
end main
As root I get the following:
Program stopped at 'testeVersao.4gl', line number 4.
SQL statement error number -6366 (0).
Could not load database driver dbmdefault. Set FGLSQLDEBUG to get more details.
As a regular user this is my result:
My question is why does this happen? is there a security block on fglrun that prevents it from being run as root?
I now it sounds weird running it as root, but the program we are developing makes some system administration and needs root to access some files.