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Author Topic: GRE 4.01.09 - Report Schema Transformation issue  (Read 11432 times)
Olivier E.
Four Js
Posts: 204

« on: September 29, 2023, 08:26:25 pm »

 Genero Report Engine version 4.01.09
Report Schema Transformation issue

Dear customers,

Four Js has discovered a defect in the Genero Report Engine (GRE), the engine behind the Genero Report Writer (GRW). It affects the report schema transformation (RST) feature.

If you are using the report schema transformation (RST) feature, you must downgrade to the previous release. We have replaced the GRE 4.01.09 package with the previous release GRE 4.01.06 on our products download page. We are working to provide a new GRE package next week.

If you are not using the report schema transformation (RST) feature and you have installed the GRE 4.01.09 package on your system, there is no need to downgrade your installation to the previous version. You can continue to use the GRE 4.01.09 package without concerns.

Thank you for your understanding.

Four Js Development Tools

Christine R.
Four Js
Posts: 431

« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2023, 06:00:50 pm »

Dear customers,

A new version of GRE fixing this issue is now available on our web site.
Please refer to

Thank you for your understanding.

Four Js Development Tools
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