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Author Topic: Ask Reuben 225 - Group Titles, Folder Page Titles  (Read 1831 times)
Reuben B.
Four Js
Posts: 1099

« on: April 26, 2024, 02:28:05 am »

With Native Interfaces, the vendor could control what changes you as a developer could make to the user interface.  A common restriction is for the vendor to not allow you to customize a BUTTON.  It is in yours and everyone's interest if there is some commonality as to how buttons are rendered so that the user knows what they can click on.  Another area that drew a lot of support calls is around the text / title that appears at the top of a FOLDER PAGE container, and a GROUP  container, developers would look to change the appearance (change color, font size and font weight) and find that there did not appear to be a formal way in Genero to do this.
If you reviewed the Presentation Style References documentation, you would note that there is not a documented selector that enables you to select the Folder Page title or a Group title.  You’d think there might be a Pseudo selector like there is for Aggregates but there is not.   There was a good reason for this.  The native interface vendors did not allow you the developer to change all of the appearance of the Folder title or Group title, and so we were never comfortable allowing you a selector when you could not use all the common presentation style attributes consistently.  We did not want situations where you could change it in Windows front-ends but not in Linux front-ends etc.

However there was an undocumented way...


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