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 on: January 12, 2024, 12:49:15 pm 
Started by Dmitry K. - Last post by Consuelo R.
we want to store and edit data as TEXT-type with fglrichtext web component. There are texts and images to store.
It's working fine. But when adding other images or texts to the existing the first images are getting deleted and
there are only the last added images stored. Is this to be expected?
How can we solve the problem?
geometry dash subzero
Genero Studio Version: 3.10.11

Hello, I'm facing isuse with fglrichtext web component adding images or texts deletes previous images. I tried using a different web component that is designed to handle images and text but it didn't work. You have any experiences to solve thí problem? Help me!

 on: January 05, 2024, 02:37:57 am 
Started by Randy H. - Last post by Reuben B.
I am wondering why you are using readFormEncodedRequest.  The content is expected to be key-value tuples, separated by & and with = separating key and value.   The doubling of the special characters simplifies the separation into key-value tables and then again simplifies the splitting of key from value.  Once you have the value separated then as you noted you have to use replace to turn && back to & and == back to =

If the input is not key-value tuples but an XML document then I wonder if readXmlRequest() is the better option instead of readFormEncodedRequest.


 on: January 03, 2024, 08:10:33 pm 
Started by Randy H. - Last post by Randy H.
When using readFormEncodedRequest() to get the query of a POST "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" request, the resulting string cannot be loaded into a DOM document when there are escaped special characters.

The special characters & and = are escaped by doubling them per

-- incoming data (simplified)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Manufacturer>Retail Acquisition &amp; Development, Inc.</Manufacturer>         

-- parsed
define in_xmlStr string
let in_xmlStr = in_context.httpServiceRequest.readFormEncodedRequest(FALSE)

This results in the double && on the Manufacturer line

        <Manufacturer>Retail Acquisition &&amp; Development, Inc.</Manufacturer>

--Loading the string into a DOM document fails
define docXML xml.DomDocument
let docXML = xml.DomDocument.create()

     call docXML.loadFromString(in_xmlStr)
         -- error handling code caught
  end try

The caught error message is "Error calling docXML.loadfromstring"

Removing the double && resolves the issue. Is there a way to do it natively without this code?

let lv_buffer = base.StringBuffer.create()
 call lv_buffer.append(in_xmlStr)
call lv_buffer.replace("&&","&",0)

 on: December 21, 2023, 05:26:28 am 
Started by Reuben B. - Last post by Reuben B.
Smart Quotes were something that I first encountered in the early days of the Genero Desktop Client.  Issues were being reported after users pasted text into a TEXTEDIT.  The issue can occur with EDIT, BUTTONEDIT as well but is more likely to occur with the TEXTEDIT as users are more likely to paste large blocks of text as opposed to a single word.  Upon investigation it was discovered that the text users were copying and pasting into the TEXTEDIT widget contained what are known as “smart quotes”.
These days the more typical place to encounter the issue is with code editors.  Someone will type some code outside a code editor and not realise that smart quotes have been added.  Then when they copy and paste the code into Genero Studio they get an error as the compiler is only expecting to see single, double, or back quotes.


 on: December 21, 2023, 05:24:56 am 
Started by Reuben B. - Last post by Reuben B.
I was recently in contact with a number of Genero developers where a question was asked along the lines of what would you like Genero to be able to do?  When reviewing the answers, there was a good proportion of replies where I thought “Genero can do that now if you use …”.  In this article I want to list the possible interfaces to/from a Genero application so that you are aware and can possibly construct a solution via one of these interfaces.
In using an interface it is important to note the Genero architecture, and in particular the run-time system and the front-end.  You have the Genero run-time (fglrun) talking to a GUI front-end (gdc.exe, gbc.js,..)  Any interface it is important to note if it is an interface to the run-time or if it is an interface to the front-end?   An interface to the runtime cannot have any GUI elements whilst an interface to the front-end does not have access to what is on the run-time system.
Understanding and being able to distinguish run-time and front-end is important when it comes to figuring out what your interface options are, and why there are certain restrictions such as no GUI in run-time interfaces.


 on: December 21, 2023, 05:23:21 am 
Started by Reuben B. - Last post by Reuben B.
Composability is a design principle that deals with how well your system interacts with other systems.  Genero systems have historically been one standalone monolithic system.  Now there are demands to take that system and have it interface to another system, or to replace parts of another system with a Genero system, or the other way round replace parts of your Genero system with a 3rd party system.   These require the ability to break your Genero system into smaller pieces.
Similarly in cloud environments there are requirements to distribute your monolithic Genero system across multiple servers.  By breaking your system into several smaller modules, you can allocate resources more efficiently.  Rather than trying to squeeze the same monolithic system onto many servers, place one module in one environment, place another module in another environment, have these different environments scale independently and still communicate with one another.


 on: December 21, 2023, 05:21:54 am 
Started by Reuben B. - Last post by Reuben B.
I have mentioned this technique in a few articles and I felt it deserved an article of its own.  I call it “Overloading FGLLDPATH” but the name is a bit of misnomer as it does not involve changing FGLLDPATH.
Environment variables such as FGLLDPATH, FGLRESOURCEPATH define a search path to use for finding certain files.
The last place the Genero runtime searches for program modules (.42m files) is $FGLDIR/lib.  This is where standard Genero functionality resides.  If in the search path defined by $FGLLDPATH there is a .42m file with the same file name as one that is in $FGLDIR/lib, it will be found and used instead of the one in $FGLDIR/lib.  Similar logic applies for files found by searching the path defined by $FGLRESOURCEPATH.
You can potentially utilise these look up rules to override some of the standard files shipped in $FGLDIR/lib.  Reasons you might do this include to give your application a consistent User Interface where our standard dialogs look different from the rest of your dialogs.


 on: December 21, 2023, 05:06:47 am 
Started by Reuben B. - Last post by Reuben B.
You are likely to encounter “+tn_0” in one of at least three places…
In a compiled .42f you may see it as the value of the tabName attribute for a Table node
In the AUI Tree as the value of the tabname attribute of the Table node
In stored settings, you may see +tn_0 as the key value for a tables stored settings
To learn more about why this +tn_0 occurs, read

 on: December 21, 2023, 05:04:43 am 
Started by Reuben B. - Last post by Reuben B.
For some Genero developers there is a misconception that you cannot include Charts, Graphs, Infographics within your Genero application.  Other Genero developer have long since figured out how to include Charts, Graphs, and Infographics within their application.
In this article I will explain four different techniques you can use to incorporate Charts, Graphs and Infographics within your Genero application.   Using an Image widget, utilising Genero Report Writer to create an Image, utilising 3rd party Web Components, and utilising the built-in fglsvgcanvas Web Component to build your own.

 on: December 19, 2023, 05:31:21 pm 
Started by Olivier E. - Last post by Olivier E.
The problem has been fixed offline.

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